Work With Us


ACF: none

Array ( [post_type] => Array ( [0] => open_positions ) [post_status] => publish [posts_per_page] => 4 [post__not_in] => Array ( [0] => ) [tax_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND ) [paged] => 1 [orderby] => date [order] => ASC [meta_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND ) )
0.32982683181763 seconds
Forklift Operator / Non-CDL Driver
Your time will be spent both in the yard loading trucks via forklift and delivering Trio’s lumber materials efficiently, safely, and professionally. Completing paperwork accurately each day is also an important part of this role. This is a safety-sensitive role. Background and drug testing are a part of our hiring process.


  • Must be over 21 years of age
  • Must be legal to work in the US
  • Possess a valid driver’s license
  • No preventable accidents in the last two years
  • No more than two moving violations in the last three years
  • Current medical card
  • Able to pass a road test
  • Ability to lift 70 pounds
  • This is safety-sensitive position