2021: Dawson became partners with Jerry and Tina

Starting with Jerry, Trio Forest Products Inc. has three generations of lumber expertise. Dawson has become a part owner of Trio Forest Products Inc. Tina, Jerry, and Dawson now form the dynamic trio and keep the legacy alive, maintaining Trio’s title as family...

2015: Dawson starts at Trio

Dawson, Tina’s son, began working full time for Trio in 2015. Before then, Dawson started working as a teenager for Ocotillo Lumber & Building Supplies. While there, he learned the value of hard work and what it takes to cut, chop, resaw and run equipment....

2007: Trio expands and Tina becomes President

2007 was a big year for Trio. Tina became the President of the company, as she is today. Trio also received the opportunity to improve operations by purchasing railhead property for carloads of lumber products to flow freely into Trio’s yard.

1984: Tina South started working full time

Jerry Lilly’s daughter, Tina South, also grew up around the lumber industry. She was working in the yard and stacking wood at 10. At 16, Tina graduated to working full time at the offices for Trio Forest Products Inc.