OSB Prices Skyrocket in March 2024

OSB Prices Skyrocket in March 2024

While we’ve savored a period of price stability, the winds of change are blowing. February brought a surge in housing numbers, prompting mills to adjust their conservative supply, setting the stage for the shifts we’re witnessing today in the OSB market.

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Demystifying Lumber Measurements: A Comprehensive Guide for Lumber Users

Demystifying Lumber Measurements: A Comprehensive Guide for Lumber Users

Delve into the intricacies of lumber measurements with our comprehensive guide tailored for lumber users. From mastering board feet to deciphering square footage and lineal feet, our expert insights shed light on vital concepts essential for optimizing material usage and cost estimation. Explore the nuances of lumber calculations and empower your projects with precision and efficiency. Join us in demystifying the language of lumber to enhance your lumber projects.

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Fourth Quarter Industry Update

Fourth Quarter Industry Update

Welcome to our Fourth Quarter Industry Update, where we delve into the latest developments and insights shaping the lumber industry landscape. In this comprehensive update, we explore a range of topics, from housing starts and permits to lumber market forecasts and major industry announcements. Learn about the trends driving the market, the challenges faced by mills in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest, and the anticipated price stability in plywood and OSB markets. Discover how these factors impact your purchasing decisions and business strategies in the dynamic lumber market. Join us as we navigate through the complexities of the industry, providing you with valuable insights to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

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Trio’s Phones are Lighting Up with Strong First Quarter Inquiries

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Recent developments have brought about noteworthy changes across various segments.

OSB: A Rollercoaster of Prices

Oriented Strand Board (OSB) recently experienced a significant downturn, prompting a swift sell-off for those with wood in their inventories. However, the market appears to have stabilized, witnessing a noteworthy $10/M surge within a single week. This unexpected turnaround has led some distributors to quote prices that are strikingly $100/M over the printed rates, signaling a rapid and robust recovery in the OSB market.

Structural Panel: Steadfast Resilience

Amidst market fluctuations, structural panel prices have shown remarkable resilience by maintaining a consistent flat trajectory. This stability suggests a sustained demand for these materials, positioning structural panels as a reliable choice amidst the broader volatility in the lumber market.

Framing Lumber: A Picture of Stability

Framing lumber, true to its name, is exhibiting unwavering stability, staying as flat as a board. This consistent performance provides a sense of dependability within this segment, offering reassurance to stakeholders amid the dynamic movements observed in other areas of the lumber market.

Low Grade: Returning to the Norm

Low-grade lumber, after a period of fluctuation, is now returning to its historic norm, characterized by minimal movement. This newfound steadiness adds a layer of predictability to this segment, potentially offering stability to those engaged in the low-grade lumber market.

First Quarter 2024 Outlook: Optimism Prevails

Looking ahead to the first quarter of 2024, the lumber market shows promise with quotes and orders steadily streaming in. The heightened level of activity is keeping industry phones busy, reflecting an optimistic outlook and potentially indicating robust demand as the new year unfolds.

As we navigate these trends, stay tuned for continued updates on the dynamic shifts shaping the lumber market’s landscape.