Analyzing the Lumber Market’s Holding Pattern

Analyzing the Lumber Market’s Holding Pattern

Your teams Lumber Purchasing Playbook can call plays based on a safe approach by purchasing lumber now (like kicking a field goal) or a game winning touchdown approach, wait and see what the market will bring (like going for the fourth down). You make the call coach! Keep reading to help determine your teams next play!

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National Forest Products Week

National Forest Products Week

Stay Up to Date on what’s happening in the Lumberyard and in the Wood Industry! Celebrate National Forest Week with us as it is the key to our livelihood and a critical pillar to our economy.

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Lumber Market Considerations: March and April 2023

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What do flat lines in our graphs mean for the lumber market?
Perhaps is means that supply and demand are at a temporary check mate.

Even though interest rates continue to fluctuate, nationwide residential housing starts are up and permits are also up overall since January. Approximately 75% of builders anticipated housing starts down in 2023. Builders confidence has improved by about 20% after Q1.
Multifamily is predicted to stay strong for this upcoming spring season.

As winter winds down, spring conditions are bringing a stronger demand for lumber. Building typically amps up nationwide with favorable weather conditions.

Overall, our business partners are cautiously optimistic about the consistency in volume demand for 2023.